2018 & what I'm grateful for

I haven't done a yearly grateful piece since 2013, and so here goes.  Five years is a long time in a person's life.  A lot can change. 

As I reflect on why I haven't? Life has been busy.  In recent years I've been too busy (a cliche; everyone is busy but we can all re-arrange and find time if we make priorities).  In recent years I've seen what I read once that when we ask each other how we are we're busy.  Sometimes the emphasis changes.  "I've been really busy", "soooo busy", "it's crazy", etc.  If there's a holiday coming up we can laugh about it.  And then in November everyone is so busy it is a little crazy (and there are hints of exhaustion) and then the holidays hit and it's another year gone by.

To segue, here are some things I'm grateful for in 2018:

Resources and knowledge of self-care and wellbeing.  There is a lot of stuff out there.  At work we try new ideas and keep what works and test new things.  We try and adapt and change.  What works is highly individualised, but sharing and connecting can help.  There's still work for me to do to get this right, but I'm grateful for sharing ideas, and finding rare pieces that offer interesting insight in the context of the nature of our work (such as Nayuka Gorrie's writing 'I'm Depressed, But Is That Actually a Problem'). 

Family.  Of course.  Particularly as my children get older I'm reminded of the different stages of life and the precious time to see each stage and how each child lives and responds and brings out their own personality.  Each stage only lasts a few years and this goes quickly and I'm grateful to be with them for this. 

Technology.  (Which is what I raised a few years ago as a grateful item).  Particularly being able to watch NBA games in high quality definition.  Basketball is big in our household and as I'm writing this there are so many talented and more even teams.  Social media continues to change the landscape.  Native Twitter has brought many different perspectives which are so important in the public policy / dialogue space which have traditionally been ignored (or skewed by corporate media interests or ignored by public broadcasters who often can't elevate opinions).  The experience in Hawai'i comes to mind, where Native Twitter shares their thoughts and particularly around colonisation (the ongoing taking of scarce resources), cultural appropriation, land rights, recognition, etc.  I'm reminded of flying into Hawai'i and the announcer speaking about Aloha and all the themes which bring so many tourists/outsiders to the location, all positive.  Then I see the voices of Native Hawai'ian which can be so small and unheard and I'm reminded they have to navigate a troubling and complicated political and policy system.  I'm struck about the common language that issues across minority indigenous groups in settler colonies. 

Health.  We live in a world class health system, and I've seen how it has improved over so many years.  I'm grateful for the high quality services available to me.  When I wrote my last grateful piece in terms of age I was at the pinnacle of the my physical potential.  Now I'm on the downward slope (although it's not really a slope, as with age there are many other benefits and physical performance relies on adjustments to training and output).  So, health is more on my mind.  I've also had some surgery on my finger from a basketball injury and whilst it's not back to 100% it was quite disruptive, and I'm appreciative of the quality of care.  We have a high quality health system and I'm grateful for the opportunity to engage with it through my own choice and behavior.   

Opportunity.  I'm grateful to be in work / director roles where I can feel I can add value.  I enjoy scope for innovation and new ideas, to try and shape and grow with others.  This can be challenging work, because real change takes place when we have safe spaces to grapple and contest ideas and views constructively.  I've been in many roles and I've come to appreciate how important it is to be in roles where you feel you can add value, that you enjoy, can be honest and make a difference. 



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