2012 & what I'm grateful for

This post is to highlight what I'm grateful for in twenty twelve. Above all, I'm grateful for my family and the time I've spent with them this year. In recent years I've been involved in a few things and found myself too stretched. This year I re-adjusted and am better for it. I remember some years ago a parent of adults telling me that all ages were enjoyable for raising children. As she told me I remember the pleased expression on her face as if all her memories of this time flashed before her. In other conversations I hear of the difficult transition one faces when they raise children and then they leave home. As my children get older I appreciate this, and as my own work through the 'middle' childhood age I anticipate the final stages of childhood before them. I am grateful for being able to spend more time with them and my wonderful wife, Anita. Photo courtesy of Justin Brierty and the Centralian Advocate This year I was admitted to the...