Op-ed, Alice Springs and alcohol
My first printed opinion piece was published in the NT News as a follow up to my commitment to quit alcohol for one year. I was grateful for the opportunity. The piece suggests three policy ideas concerning alcohol in Alice Springs. ********************** As the first from the Generation Y (those born 1980-1995) to be elected to a municipal Council in the Territory I was honoured in March this year to be elected Deputy Mayor of Alice Springs. My generation lives within a specific set of circumstances and I am obliged to advocate reform with this in mind. In my new role my first decision was to quit alcohol for one year. My main motivation is to set an example. If the National Health and Medical Research Council recommends no more than 4 standard drinks on any single occasion then excessive alcohol consumption in the Territory is commonplace. Too often we leave the task of finding solutions to policy makers without realising that it is also us who can build a social and cultural i...